


畢恆達 主編

1 延長的再會 白明奇 / 3 失智症前兆研究結果的意義與方向 張本聖 / 6 對失智症專題的回應與反思 周勵志 / 11 失智症治療與照護的後續研究議題 李世代 / 19 失智症之精神醫學觀 黃正平 / 26 失智症的治療:精神科專科醫院的觀點與做法 劉興政、宋成銘 / 29 記憶門診的發展與貢獻 梁繼權 / 33 支持團體對失智症家屬之助益 徐亞瑛 / 35 失智症患者與家屬的主體性 楊培珊 / 37 失智症的心理學研究與專業服務 郭乃文
41 陪失智者及家屬走一段 湯麗玉 / 42 女性阿茲海默氏症患者較憂鬱嗎? 劉嘉逸 / 43 過去 現在 未來 林克能

55 家的意義 畢恆達 主編 / 57 從環境災害過程中探索家的意義︰民生別墅與林肯大郡的個案分析 畢恆達 / 83 女性遊民研究︰家的另類意涵 吳瑾嫣 / 121 男同志同居伴侶的住宅空間體驗:四個個案 畢恆達、吳昱廷 / 149 家的認同與意義重建:魯凱族好茶的案例 王應棠

171 流行歌曲歌迷偶像崇拜的心態與行為初探 朱龍祥、陸 洛

209 Rogers人本教育理論與建構主義教學模式二之發展︰國小數學教學的行動研究 潘世尊 / 239 教育實踐中的多重對話關係:回應潘世尊老師的行動研究 夏林清

148新專題構想、讀者來函 / 170 歡迎來稿 / 245 索引 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
Dementia: Treatment and Care in Taiwan
1 A prolonged good-bye Ming-Chyi Pai / 3 The meaning and prospect of preclinical dementia Ben -Sheng Chang / 6 Some responses to and reflections on special issueof dementia Lih-Chih Jou / 11 Continuing study subjects following special issue of dementia Shyh-Dye Lee / 19 Psychiatric aspects of dementia Jen-Ping Hwang / 26 Treatment of Alzheimer's disease: The viewpoint from a psychiatric center Hsing-Cheng Liu & Sing-Ming Sung / 29 The development and outcome of memory clinic Kai-Kuen Leung / 33 The helpfulness of support groups to family caregivers of patients with dementia Yea-Ing L. Shyu / 35 The forgotten partner of dementia care: Dementia patients and their caregivers Pei-Shan Yang / 37 The psychological studies and intervention of dementia Nai-Wen Guo
Authors' responses
41 Accompanying the Alzheimer's patients and their families Li-Yu Tang / 42 Is female gender a risk factor for depression in Alzheimer's disease? Chia-Yih Liu / 43 The importance of early detection of dementia Ker-Neng Lin

Special Issue
55 The Meaning of Home Editor: Herng-Dar Bih / 57 The meanings of home in environmental disasters: Case studies of Ming-Sen Building and Lincoln Community Herng-Dar Bih / 83 Research on homeless women: The alternative meanings of home Chin-Yen Wu / 121 The living experiences of gay couples: Four cases Herng-Dar Bih & Yu-Ting Wu / 149 Identity and meaning reconstruction of home: A case of Kochapogan, Rukai Ying-Tang Wang

Empirical Research
171 An exploratory study of attitudes and behaviors of idolatry among fans of popular songs Lung-Shiang Ju & Luo Lu

Action Research
209 The action research of the development of the integrated teaching model combining Rogers' humanistic theory with constructivism Thief-Tzuen Pan / 239 Conversational relationships in educational praxis Ling-Ching Hsia

Messages & Information
148 New special issue / 170 Call for papers / 245 Indices / 252 Order form

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