實 證 研 究

軍隊士氣之研究與測量工具之發展 / 顏志龍

母親信念、教養目標與教養行為〈一〉:內涵意義之探討 / 林惠雅

觀點教學量表之發展與試題反應分析 / 王文中、陳雪珠

母親信念、教養目標與教養行為〈二〉:問卷編製與相關分析 / 林惠雅

推薦甄試實施成效的追蹤調查:1994-1999 / 姚霞玲

《一般能力性向成套測驗》編製研究 / 蘇永華

工作動機的內生性與外生性:台灣與美國大學生動機內涵之計量研究 / 邱皓政

流行歌曲歌迷偶像崇拜的心態與行為初探 / 朱龍祥、陸洛

工作壓力過程模式之試驗:台灣基層農業推廣人員之分析 / 董石叡

父母管教態度與國中生升學考試壓力感受之關係 / 高淑芳、陸洛

初階飛訓生之人格特質與其飛行訓練表現之關係 / 程千芳、李文進、陳欣進

小學教師面對角色知覺差距的情緒感受︰ 類型建構與量表編製 / 郭丁熒

台灣變遷社會中老人的家庭角色調適及代間關係之初探 / 陸 洛、陳欣宏

Military Morale : An Exploration of its Essence and the Development of a Morale Scale
顏志龍 輔仁大學應用心理研究所
Jyh-Long Yan / Department of Applied Psychology Fu-Jen Catholic University



輔仁大學應用心理研究所碩士 / 現役軍人

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the essence of military morale and to develop a scale to measure military morale. According to the empirical data from focused group interview and general interview, the author attributes morale as a potential spirit. The essence of the potential spirit is a special type of relationship among group members. The potential spirit can be evolved when the goal of organization becomes obvious. With the results of past morale studies and empirical interviews of this study, the author also developed a morale scale. Two groups of subjects (formal administration & cross validation; N=311, 373 ; separately) were asked to complete this scale. The empirical data show that the scale is impressive in terms of its internal-consistency reliability and criterion-related validity. After factor analysis, it shows that this scale is a single factor structure. The cross-validation examination shows that the single factor structure of the scale is reliable and consistent. Finally, the author proposes a hypothetical model of military morale in terms of the result of this research.

Keywords: morale, military morale, morale scale

母親信念、教養目標與教養行為(一): 內涵意義之探討
Mothers' Beliefs, Goals and Child-rearing Behaviors(I)︰ An Analysis of the Themes
林惠雅 東吳大學心理系
Huey-Ya Lin / Department of Psychology Soochow University



美國加州大學Santa Barbara分校哲學博士(發展心理學)/ 東吳大學心理系副教授
通訊處︰(111)台北市士林區臨溪路70號 東吳大學心理系

In order to investigate relationships among mothers' beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors, two studies have been carried out. The first study is to explore the themes of mothers' beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors. The second study is to develop questionnaires and then to examine relationships among mothers' beliefs, goals and behaviors. The present study is the first study in which 120 mothers of elementary school students are interviewed. Based on the results of these personal interviews, themes of mothers' beliefs, goals and behaviors are developed. The themes of mothers' beliefs are dependence, innate factors, abilities tendency, contact and accumulation, positive and negative feedback, observational learning, and active learning. The themes of mothers' goals are morality and personality, interpersonal relationships, achievement and competition, contention and conformity, independence and self-expression, and positive development. The themes of mothers' behaviors are daily instruction, requirement of practices, positive incentive, punishment, induction, modeling, encouragement of autonomy, and providing services.

Keywords:mothers' beliefs, mothers' goals, child-rearing behaviors, parenting strategies, and mother-child relationship

Development and Item Response Analysis of the Teaching Perspectives Inventory
王文中 中正大學心理系
陳雪珠 吳鳳工商專校應用外語科
Y Wen-Chung Wang / National Chung Cheng University
Hsueh-Chu Chen / Wu Feng College of Technology and Commerce



加州大學柏克萊分校哲學博士 / 中正大學心理系副教授
通訊處:(621)嘉義縣民雄鄉三興村160號 中正大學心理系
電話(05)27204115轉6430 傳真(05)2720857
加州大學戴維斯分析應用語言學碩士 / 吳鳳工商專校應用外語科講師

In this study, we develop an inventory of teaching perspectives, which can be used to investigate effects of preservice education and practical training on teaching perspectives. There are five domains in the inventory: classroom management, teacher roles, student diversity, knowledge and curriculum, and instructional affairs. After pretest, we administered the inventory to 773 college students and secondary school teachers. We apply item response theory to analyze dimensionality, differential item functioning, distribution of ability and item difficulty, and group differences. The results show that the inventory is unidimensional and is measuring "progressiveness of teaching perspectives." Of the 22 items, five exhibit moderate effects of differential item functioning. If these 22 items are to be treated as criteria, most subjects' perspectives are quite progressive. However, these items are too easy to well differentiate individual differences. The subjects are more progressive in "conceptual" issues than in "practical" issues. There are no group differences in progressiveness between the awarded teachers and general teachers. Likewise, there are no differences between the students of education program and general students. However, the students are more progressive than the teachers. It may be because the students are more optimistic, or the teachers are more practical. Since the issues examined are common to psychological tests, this study can offer some suggestions to test development and analysis.

Keywords:Rasch model, item response analysis, teaching perspectives, test development

母親信念、教養目標與教養行為(二): 問卷編製與相關分析
Mothers' Beliefs, Goals and Child-rearing Behaviors (II) ︰Questionnaire Construction and Correlation Analysis
林惠雅 東吳大學心理系
Huey-Ya Lin / Department of Psychology Soochow University



美國加州大學Santa Barbara分校哲學博士(發展心理學) / 東吳大學心理系副教授
通訊處︰(111)台北市士林區臨溪路70號 東吳大學心理系
電話(02)28819471轉6918 傳真(02)28810379

In order to investigate relationships among mothers' beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors, two studies have been carried out. The first study is to explore the themes of mothers' beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors. The second study is to develop questionnaires and then to investigate relationships among mothers' beliefs, goals and behaviors. The present study is the second study in which theoretical categories are derived from the themes of mothers' beliefs, goals and behaviors. Then, the researcher discussed with 5 experts and 10 mothers about theoretical categories. Through these discussions, theoretical categories are verified and further defined, and items of preliminary questionnaires regarding mothers' beliefs, goals and behaviors are developed. One hundred and ninety-nine subjects are surveyed using the preliminary questionnaires, and the data is analyzed. By means of factor analysis, factors are defined respectively regarding mothers' beliefs, goals, and behaviors. Factors of mothers' beliefs are cognitive abilities, and experiences. Factors of mothers' goals are moral characters and interpersonal relationships, achievements, as well as positive development and independence. Factors of mothers' behaviors are modification of misconduct and discussion, protection, modeling and practicing, as well as encouragement of desired behaviors and autonomy. Therefore the final versions of questionnaires of mothers' beliefs, goals and behaviors are modified on the basis of the above factors and items.
Four hundred and sixty-nine mothers are selected to answer the final versions of questionnaires. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, there are higher correlation coefficients among belief of cognitive abilities, goal of moral characters and interpersonal relationships, goal of positive development and independence, and behavior of modification of misconduct, behavior of protection, modeling and practicing. On the other hand, there are higher correlation coefficients among belief of experiences, goal of moral character and interpersonal relationships, goal of achievements, as well as behavior of encouragement of desired behaviors and autonomy.

Keywords: mothers' beliefs, mothers' goals, child-rearing behaviors, parenting strategies, and mother-child relationship

A Follow-up Research on the Selection Procedure of "Recommendation and Screening"
姚霞玲 大學入學考試中心
Hsia-Lin Yao / College Entrance Examination Center



筑波大學教育研究所碩士 / 大學入學考試中心研究員
通訊處:(106)台北市舟山路237號 大學入學考試中心研發處
電話:(02)23661416轉116 傳真:23691474

"Recommendation and Screening" (R & S) is a new procedure for admitting students to enter college in Taiwan. In R & S, students who meet the requirements set by the department they wish to study in are recommended by their high school. The candidates first need to take a Scholastic Achievement Test held by the College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC). If the test results are satisfactory, they undergo another process known as the second stage screening held by each department. Students who are admitted by this procedure cannot transfer to other departments without a special review.
After the implementation of R&S, studies were conducted to evaluate the procedure. Results show that: (1)The academic performance of R & S students is better than the average performance of the students studying in the same department. (2) Colleges/universities, high schools, and students all agree that the procedure of admitting students via R & S allows students to get acquainted with university departments while in high school. Students take their interests, aptitudes, and talents into consideration when choosing departments. (3) R & S students pay more attention to personal interests, they have more definite long-term goals, and show more signs of confidence. (4) Non R & S students pay more attention to their academic records and act more arbitrarily. (5)There is no obvious difference in personality traits between R & S and non R & S students.

Keywords: Recommendation and Screening (R & S), academic records, selection effectiveness, characteristics of college students

A Study on the Development of Chinese General Aptitude Test Battery
蘇永華 華東師範大學心理系
Su Yong-Hua / Department of Psychology Central China Normal University



通訊處︰(200062)上海市中山北路3663號 華東師範大學心理系

The Chinese General Aptitude Test Battery that we have developed includes 7 tests, i.e., verbal comprehension and usage, numerical operation, logic reasoning, comprehension of statistic materials, mechanical reasoning, spatial relation, perceptual speed and accuracy. The analysis shows that most items are feasible. The test-retest reliabilities range from .82 to .91, and the alpha coefficients are all above .54. In the research, three methods are used to test the criterion-related validity, and the results show they are all valid. The test is a fully realization of computerized test.

Keywords: Chinese General Aptitude Test Battery, psychological test, reliability, validity

工作動機的內生性與外生性︰ 台灣與美國大學生動機內涵之計量研究
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Work Motivation: An Quantitative Study of Motivational Orientations for Taiwanese and American Undergraduates
邱皓政 世新大學社會心理系
Haw-Jeng Chiou / Department of Social Psychology Shih-Hsin University

本研究的主要目的在探討個體的工作動機內涵是否可以區分為內生性(intrinsic)與外生性(extrinsic)兩種不同的動機取向(Amabile,1983),並進一步從測量的觀點,探討不同文化之受測樣本在工作動機取向上反應的異同。本研究對兩組樣本施以同一組動機強度的測量,再利用統計的結構方程模型(structural equation modeling)比較技術,進行一系列的參數估計與比較。研究樣本包含台灣與美國大學生兩部分:台灣受測者的有效樣本為414人;美國樣本為1363名大學生。經翻譯後的中文版工作動機量表,因素分析與各項統計檢驗支持了動機取向二個主要因子與四個次階因素的概念模式,因素的內部相關則指出內生性與外生性兩種動機是直交構念,亦符合理論上的概念。本研究進一步求取各項動機分數與相關概念之間的相關,發現各種動機內涵均與適當的概念具有顯著相關,提供了工作動機測量構念效度的證據。最後,本研究討論了有關動機測量的本質與文化差異的議題。


美國南加州大學諮商與教育心理學組測驗統計學博士 / 世新大學社會心理系副教授
通訊處︰(116)北市木柵路一段17巷1號 世新大學社會心理系
電話︰(02)22364521 傳真︰(02)22367710

The purpose of this study is to examine the intrinsic and extrinsic natures of work motivation (Amabile, 1983). Based on the viewpoint of measurement, this study administered a work motivation questionnaire (WPI, Working Preference Inventory; Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, & Tighe, 1994) into two cultural samples for inquiring the structure of questionnaire and examining the subjects' responses on test items. Statistically, the paradigm of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied the quantitative procedures of parameter estimations and model comparisons. Samples consisted of 414 Taiwanese undergraduates and 1363 American undergraduates. The WPI was translated into Chinese. The results supported a two-first-order-factor and a four-second-order-factor model on the Chinese WPI. The two main factors of work motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, were orthogonal, which was correspondent with theoretical conceptualization. Furthermore, a series of significant correlation coefficients between the scores of the Chinese WPI factors and the other related constructs suggested the concurrent validity of Chinese WPI. Finally, issues regarding measurement and cultural differences were also discussed.

Keywords: work motivation, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, quantitative comparison, structural equation modeling

An Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Behaviors of Idolatry among Fans of Popular Songs
朱龍祥 陸洛 / 高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所
Lung-Shiang Ju , Luo Lu / Graduate Institute of Behavioral Sciences Kaohsiung Medical University



高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所碩士 / 高雄醫學大學附設醫院兒童牙科研究助理
陸 洛 (本文通訊作者)
英國牛津大學心理學博士 / 高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所副教授
通訊處:(807)高雄市十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所
電話:(07)3121101轉2273 傳真:(07)3223445

The main purpose of this study was to explore the meanings, attitudes and behaviors of idolatry among fans of popular songs, against the background of idol creation mounted by commercial organizations and the media. This paper was based on materials obtained through in-depth interviews with 17 fans. Identity theories, interpersonal attraction theories and cultural critical theories were adopted as theoretical frameworks. Results showed that the fans felt uncomfortable about the excessive expressions of "idolatry" reported in the media, rather, they had their own ways and opinions. The main attractions for fans were singers' musical and media skills. The behaviors of idolatry included acting to please the idols, compartmentalization of the functions of idols, defending one's own idols, treating idols as equal, riualization, shaping idols, and idol substitution. Those elements were similar to the processes of identification and interpersonal attraction. The effects of idols manifested in fans' overt life and internal satisfaction. These findings of purposive consumption were different from the concept of "culture industry" asserted by critical theorists. This study showed that "idolatry" is a rich concept with multiple substances regarding fans' attitudes and behaviors. The simplistic media portrayal and stereotyping of idolatry should be changed. Idolatry should be given new and justified meanings in diversity.

Keywords: fans of popular songs, idolatry, behavior, attitude

工作壓力過程模式之驗證︰ 台灣基層農業推廣人員之分析
A Replication of Job Stress Process among Agricultural Extension Agents in Taiwan
董時叡 中興大學農業推廣教育研究所
Shih-Jui Tung / Graduate Institute of Agricultural Extension Education National Chung-Hsing University



美國猶他大學博士(社會學) / 中興大學農業推廣教育研究所教授
電話:(04)2850777 傳真:(04)2857907

The causal relationship among stress, coping behaviors, and burnout has currently been described as a sequential process in job stress studies and referred to as "stress process" in literature. Though this model is empirically verified in a great many studies, very limited efforts have been endeavored to reconfirm it by taking various factors (control variables) into account. This study tends to explore the existence of stress process within agricultural extension agents on one hand, and brings in some environmental factors and personal factors, such as education level, age, tenure years as control variables to test the replication of stress process on the other hand.
The findings reveals that the stress process composed of causal relationship among job stress, coping behaviors, and burnout indeed exists in this population. A variety of structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses further substantiate this model by controlling respondent's organization type, education level, age, and tenure year respectively.

Keywords: job stress, coping behaviors, burnout, stress process

父母管教態度與國中生 升學考試壓力感受之關係
The Relationship between Parental Rearing Attitudes and the Perceived Stress of JHSEE among Junior High School Students
高淑芳 陸洛 / 高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所
Shu-Fan Kao , Luo Lu / Graduate Institute of Behavioral Sciences Kaohsiung Medical University



高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所碩士(社會與家庭心理學) / 台灣大學心理系博士班
通訊處:(106)台北市羅斯福路四段1號 台灣大學心理系

英國牛津大學心理學哲學博士(人格與社會心理學) / 高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所副教授
通訊處:(807)高雄市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學行為科學研究所
電話(07)3121101轉2273 傳真(07)3223445

The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of parental rearing attitudes on the perceived stress of JHSEE (Joint High School Entrance Exam). Using purposive sampling, subjects were recruited from one junior high school in Kaohsiung. Two hundreds and eleven valid questionnaires were used in analyses. Results showed that the "rejection", "expectation" and "inconsistency" attitudes in mothers as well as the "rejection" and "expectation" attitudes in fathers were positively correlated with the perceived stress of JHSEE. The "pampering" attitudes in fathers were negatively correlated with the perceived stress of JHSEE. Using structural modeling techniques, trait anxiety was found to mediate the impact of the "rejection" in mothers, "expectation" and "inconsistency" in fathers upon JHSEE stress. These results suggested that various parental rearing attitudes among other factors, may help to shape children's trait anxiety, and through which influencing their later adjustment, such as their perceived stress of JHSEE.

Keywords: parental rearing attitudes, perceived stress, trait anxiety

The Relationship between Personality and Flight Training Performance: A Study of the Beginners
程千芳、李文進、陳欣進 /
Chian-Fang Grace Cherng、Wen-Chin Li、Shi-Chin Chen / Counseling & Psychological Research Center Chinese Air Force Academy, ROC.
美國Rutgers University博士 / 空軍官校心理諮商科助理教授
通訊處:岡山郵政90277附5號 空軍官校心理諮商科

英國University of Hertfordshire 航空心理學碩士 / 空軍官校心理諮商科講師(現任空軍官校飛指部政戰室副主任)
通訊處:岡山郵政 90277 號

台灣大學心理學碩士 / 空軍官校心理諮商科研發官(現任台北縣八里療養院臨床心理師)
通訊處:(249)台北縣鄉華富山33號 八里療養院


The current study aims to explore the relationship between a cadet's personality and his flight performance. There are two indexes for flight performance in this study: one is passed or failed at the flight training courses; the other is a cadet's score for the flight training courses (i.e., high passed or low passed). The results show that the passed beginners have higher scores on "ego strength", "dominance", "elation", and have lower scores on "warmth", "emotional sensitivity", and "guilt proneness" in comparison with the failed candidates on their scores of 16PF. In addition, comparing the high passed with the low passed, the results show that the high passed ones have higher scores on the "persistence", "boldness", and "bohemianism" than that of the low passed. The current results suggest that pilot selection should not only focus on the pass or failure at the flight training, but also should consider cadets' flight performances among the passed ones. However, in the current epoch, it is very difficult to recruit high potential candidates for air force academy in Taiwan. In this regard, it is important to combine psychological tests, counseling, guidance, and education to enhance cadets' flight performances.

Keywords: pilot personality, flight performance, 16 PF
小學教師面對角色知覺差距的情緒感受︰ 類型建構與量表編製
The Emotional Reactions of Perceived Role Discrepancy Among Elementary School Teachers: The Typology and Scale Development
郭丁熒 / 台南師範學院初等教育系
Ding-Ying Guo / Department of Elementary Education National Tainan Teachers' College



高雄師範大學教育學博士 / 台南師範學院初等教育學系教授

This study aimed to explore the emotional reactions of perceived role discrepancy among elementary school teachers. Literature review, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaire survey were used to collect data. Based on the literature review, a theoretical typology of teachers' emotional reactions resulting from perceived discrepancy between ideal and actual role experiences were proposed. Semi-structured interviews were then used to collect relevant information to develop the 24-item "Inventory of Emotional Reactions of Perceived Role Discrepancy" (IERPRD). This inventory was administered to 389 elementary school teachers. Factor analysis revealed 4 factors, including "harm/loss", "challenge", "dismiss" and "threat", accounting for 74.6% of total variance. The IERPRD had good reliability, with Cronbach'sαcoefficients of .96, .87, .65, .95 for the four subscales and .95 for the entire scale. Expert validity for the IERPRD was also ascertained.

Keywords: elementary school teachers, perceived role discrepancy, the Inventory of Emotional Reactions of Perceived Role Discrepancy
台灣變遷社會中老人的家庭角色調適 及代間關係之初探
An exploratory study on role adjustment and intergenerational relationships among the elderly in the changing Taiwan
陸洛 / 陳欣宏 / 輔仁大學心理系 /
Luo Lu、Hsin-Hung Chen / Counseling & Department of Psychology Kaohsiung Medical University
Fu-Jen Catholic University



陸 洛
英國牛津大學心理學博士(人格與社會心理學) / 輔仁大學心理系副教授
通訊處:(24205)台北縣新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學心理系


The main purpose of this study was to explore the family role adjustment and intergenerational relationships of the elderly in modern Taiwan. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 community elderly aged between 63-85. Analysis revealed that finance and health were the two focal concerns for the old age. The positive attitudes towards family roles were owing to their rich life experiences, traditional values of authority, and assumed ability to help the young; the negative attitudes were owing to their increased disability caused by aging, reduced contributions towards the family, and increased dependence. Role adjustment efforts could be categorized into active/positive and passive/negative ones. The former included opening to and accepting changes, cognitive restructuring, and diverting attention; the latter included accepting with grievance, or giving up. Regarding intergenerational relationships, the elderly maintained their expectations of traditional filial piety from the offspring. However, on the issue of children's paying back, and that of living arrangement, the elderly held somewhat liberal thoughts deemed to be more adaptive in a modern society. Nonetheless, health was a major influencing factor.

Keywords:intergenerational relationships, old age adjustment, family roles

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