


夏林清 主編


1創刊緣起與編輯理念 / 9刊期與內容 / 11稿約與審稿辦法 / 12審稿理念與標準 / 15進行中之專題 / 24文書處理格式


31教育改革︰理念與實踐 / 夏林清主編 33制度變革中教育實踐的空間︰ 一個行動研究的實例與概念 / 夏林清 68從教師成長看課程改革的意義 / 成虹飛、黃志順 98我們是一群女老師︰ 集體認同與教育實踐的故事 / 侯務葵、王慧婉 127教育改革與反作用力 / 王慶中


164華人的企業文化與生產力 / 黃光國


187軍隊士氣之研究與測量工具之發展 / 顏志龍


229適用於認知心理學實驗室之變異數分析暨趨勢分析程式 / 陳學志、鄭昭明


247矛盾性的中文諺語與權變思維關係之初探 / 邱耀初


265編輯室報告 / 267訂閱廣告 / 268讀者參與意願表

Editorial Files

1 Editorial philosophy / 9 Publication plan / 11 Call for papers / 12 Review policy & criteria / 15 Special issues in progress / 24 Editing formats

Special Issue

31 Education reform: Theory and practice / Editor: Ling-Ching Hsia / 33 The space of educational praxis in top-down educational policy reforming process : An action research case/ Ling-Ching Hsia / 68 What does curriculum reform mean to teachers﹖/ Hornfay Cherng & Chi-Shun Hwang / 98 We are women teachers︰The collective identity of women grassroots teachers and an educational praxis story in a junior high school/ Wuh-Kwei Hour & Huey-Woan Wang / 127 Education reform and anti-reform/ Ching-Chung Wang

Conceptual Article

164 Chinese corporate culture and productivity/ Kwang-Kuo Hwang

Empirical Research
187 Military morale : An exploration of its essence and the development of a morale scale/ Jyh-Long Yan

Technical Report
229 ANOVA and trend analysis statistical program for cognitive experiment/ Hsueh-Chih Chen & Chao-Ming Cheng

Research Note
247 A preliminary inquiry into the relationship between antinomic Chinese proverbs and the contingent thinking style/ Iau-Chu Chiu

Messages & Information
265 Editorial notes / 267 Subscription information / 268 Participation form

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建議最佳瀏覽解析度:IE4.0以上版本800x600 更新時間:2001/09/21