技 術 報 告

適用於認知心理學實驗室之變異數分析暨趨勢分析程式 / 陳學志、鄭昭明

ANOVA and Trend Analysis Statistical Program for Cognitive Experiment
陳學志 輔仁大學應用心理系
鄭昭明 台灣大學心理系
Hsueh-Chih Chen / Department of Applied PsychologyFu-Jen Catholic University
Chao-Ming Cheng / Department of Psychology National Taiwan University



台灣大學心理學研究所博士 / 輔仁大學應用心理系副教授
通訊處:(242)新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學應用心理系
電話:(02)29031111轉3238 傳真:(02)29017421

美國耶魯大學哲學博士(認知心理學) / 台灣大學心理系教授

This article introduces a statistical software specially designed for cognitive experiment. This program provides several data transformation formula to guarantee that reaction time or proportional datum which frequently observed in laboratory could comply with the hypotheses of ANOVA. In addition, this program can conduct as many as sixteen factors' ANOVA which combine complete between-subject , complete within-subject or mixed experiment design. If any interaction effect less than five orders is significant, its simple main effects or simple interaction effects would be computed automatically. Furthermore, This program would execute Tukey HSD posterior multiple comparisons and trend analysis consequently for any main effect or simple main effect which reaches statistical significant level.

Keywords: ANOVA, trend analysis, statistical program

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建議最佳瀏覽解析度:IE4.0以上版本800x600 更新時間:2001/09/21