研 究 筆 記

矛盾性的中文諺語與權變思維關係之初探 / 楊連謙

A Preliminary Inquiry into the Relationship between Antinomic Chinese Proverbs and
the Contingent Thinking Style
邱耀初 東吳大學心理系
Iau-Chu Chiu / Soochow University


關鍵詞︰矛盾性諺語、權變思維、需求、選擇(決策)理論、情 境效應。

台灣大學心理學研究所博士 / 東吳大學心理系副教授
通訊處︰(111)台北市士林區臨溪路70號 東吳大學心理系

This article discuss as the functions of proverbs in everyday life and suggests that people's ability to avoid the potentially antinomic proverbs reflects an important cognitive feature in human thinking; namely, contingent thinking. People use proverbs selectively to justify their needs in a situation. Therefore, despite prevalence of antinomic proverbs, people are not usually aware of their existence. From this point of view, proverbs are used not because they are carriers of truths, but because of their instrumental value in a situation. Ideally, proverbs convey the normative principles of a society to its members. In reality, they often become the tools with which people use to justify their behaviors.

Keywords: antinomic proverbs, contingent thinking, need, choice (decision) theory, context effect.

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