


劉秀枝 主編


1 挑戰與呼聲︰家庭教育中親子互動現狀分析 俞國良、辛自強 / 7 台灣地區親子互動的真面貌︰期許研究觀點的突破 林淑玲 / 9 親職角色的成人發展觀點 鍾思嘉 / 12 「父職參與」或「參與親職的父親」? 王大維 / 18 一面剪不斷理還亂的責任網 柯華葳 / 23 叫父母太沈重? 王文秀 / 25 讓互動與社會建構重回脈絡意義之中 丁雪茵 / 29 主觀與客觀之間︰期盼父職或母職參與的調查性研究 王以仁 / 30 新世代父母教養觀 宋鴻燕 / 34 幼年的母女關係與母職模式 曾端真
38 我對脈絡、系統與實作等觀點的回應︰困難但值得做的工作 王叢桂 / 41 挫折中的學習 林惠雅 / 42 又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草︰理想的父母哪裡找? 劉惠琴
50 越變越不變的心理師專業實踐 阮文瑞 / 57 重回心理重建工作現場︰回應阮文瑞先生 李維庭 / 66 重建的反思︰再回應李維庭心理師 阮文瑞

71 失智症的治療與照護 劉秀枝 主編 / 73 記憶力衰退抱怨︰失智症前兆? 林克能、王培寧、莊雅雲、劉秀枝 / 89 阿茲海默氏症之非認知症狀 劉嘉逸、劉秀枝 / 105 記憶門診成效初探 甄瑞興、賈淑麗、楊志賢 / 119 阿茲海默氏症知能之藥物治療 劉秀枝、翁文章、王署君 / 133 阿茲海默氏症之女性荷爾蒙治療 王培寧、劉秀枝 / 143 阿茲海默氏症的基因檢測與遺傳諮詢 洪成志 / 157 台灣失智症的流行病學 劉景寬、戴志達、林瑞泰、賴秋蓮 / 171 失智症家屬支持團體成效初探 湯麗玉、葉炳強、陳良娟、謝碧容 / 199 台灣失智者的照護現況與展望 陳惠姿、李孟芬

205 《一般能力性向成套測驗》編製研究 蘇永華 / 221 工作動機的內生性與外生性︰台灣與美國大學生動機內涵之計量研究 邱皓政

104 進行中之專題 / 142/156 近期專題預告 / 170 五南網站廣告 / 200 歡迎來稿 / 201 審稿理念與標準 / 204 投稿須知 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
Contextual Perspective on Parenthood
1 Challenge and calling Yu Guo-Liang & Xin Zi-Qiang / 7 The realities of parental interaction in Taiwan Shu-Ling Lin / 9 The developmental aspect of parental role Shi-Kai Chung / 12 Father involvement or fathers who share parental responsibilities? Ta-Wei Wang / 18 You can redefine parenthood Hwa-Wei Ko / 23 Is it too much for the parenthood? Wen-Hsiu Wang / 25 Let interaction and social construction be embedded in the contextual meaning Hsueh-Yin Ting / 29 Between subjectivity and objectivity Yii-Jen Wang / 30 Parenting in the coming age Hung-Yen Sung / 34 Early experiences of mother-daughter relationship and patterns of motherhood Dwan-Jen Tseng
Authors' responses
38 A difficult but rewarding task Chung-Kwei Wang / 41 Learning in frustration Huey-Ya Lin / 42 Where are ideal parents? Whei-Ching Liu
Experiencing '921' earthquake: Experiences of psychological rehabilitation with victims in a temporary shelter
50 The "more of the same" recipe of psychologist's practice Wen-Jui Juan / 57 Returning to the working field of psychological rehabilitation Wei-Ting Lee / 66 A Reflection of Rehabilitation Wen-Jui Juan

Special Issue
71 Dementia: Treatment and Care in Taiwan Editor: Hsiu-Chih Liu / 73 Subjective memory complaint: An early sign of dementia? Ker-Neng Lin, Pei-Ning Wang, Ya-Yun Chuang & Hsiu-Chih Liu / 91 Noncognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease Chia-Yih Liu & Hsiu-Chih Liu / 109 The effectiveness of memory clinic Sui-Hing Yan, Shu-Li Chia & Chih Hsien Yang / 125 Current treatment of cognition in Alzheimer's disease Hsiu-Chih Liu, Wen-Jang Wong & Shuu-Jiun Wang / 141 The role of estrogen in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease Pei-Ning Wang & Hsiu-Chih Liu / 151 Genetic testing and counseling for Alzheimer's disease Chen-Jee Hong / 165 Epidemiology of dementia in Taiwan Ching-Kuan Liu, Chi-Ta Tai, Ruey-Tay Lin & Chiou-Lian Lai / 181 The effect of support group for families caring for demented elderly Li-Yu Tang, Ping-Keung Yip, Liang-Chuan Chan & Pi-Jung Hsieh / 199 Dementia care in Taiwan Huey-Tzy Justina Chen & Meng-Fan Lee

Empirical Research
209 A study on the development of Chinese General Aptitude Test Battery Su Yong-Hua / 225 Intrinsic and extrinsic working motivation: An quantitative study of motivational orientations for Taiwanese and American Undergraduates Hawjeng Chiou

Messages & Information
104/142/156 Special issues in progress / 170 Advertisement / 200/204 Call for papers / 201 Review policy & criteria / 252 Order form

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建議最佳瀏覽解析度:IE4.0以上版本800x600 更新時間:2001/09/21