


曾志朗 等主編


1 悲鳴孤雁的心理發展與教育 俞國良 / 5 婆媳是朋友︰從《論語》看處理婆媳關係的原則 王文忠 / 7 學習型家庭︰社會變遷中的家庭新模式 俞文釗 / 11 增強家庭的心理功能 呂曉俊、丁彪 / 16 漢族的家觀念與實際 麻國慶 / 25 大陸城鄉居民家庭中夫妻的家務分工 楊善華、沈崇麟
35 如何探討家庭中的變遷現象 葉光輝 / 39 社會表徵的認定、判斷與選擇 戴台馨 / 41 一台新殼老馬達的車︰有感於現代家庭的性別處境 王行 / 43 家庭親子間關係的變遷:社會創新與子女發展階段對代間關係的交換影響 李青松
45 婆媳關係《論語》新解 !? 孔祥明 / 47 社會心理與文化分析的研究理路︰回應戴教授與葉教授之評論 陳舜文 / 49 《兩岸社會變遷中的家庭》專題與《應用心理研究》之編輯理念 尹美琪

53 認知科學的發展與應用 曾志朗、洪 蘭 主編 / 55 工作記憶的限制在人因心理學中的意涵 李玉琇 / 69 去除後見之明偏誤︰列舉理由程序的應用 張嘉璧、李玉惠 / 93 飛航安全︰知覺與注意力研究的應用 葉怡玉 / 115 色彩視覺的三色論及其應用 葉素玲、陳一平 / 143 視知覺實驗的顯示器迦瑪校正︰理論與實務 陳一平、葉素玲

165 地震之後,千禧之始︰重探心理學與諮商學的共構關係 林耀盛

195 推薦甄選實施成效的追蹤調查︰1994-1999 姚霞玲

213 婚姻治療中賦權使能的歷程︰一病態嫉妒個案的經驗 楊連謙

68 進行中之專題 / 114/142近期專題預告 / 194 歡迎來稿 / 251 投稿須知 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
Family in a changing society: The Cases of Taiwan and Mainland China
Mainland scholars' responses
1 Psychological development and education for the children from families of poor quality Yu Guo-Liang / 5 Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are friends Wang Wen-Zhong / 7 Learning family Yu Wen-Zhao / 11 Enhancement of the psychological functions of family Lu Xiao-Jun & Ding Biao / 16 Concept and reality of family for the Han Tribe Ma Guo-Qing / 25 Division of household labor between urban and countryside couples in Mainland China Yang Shan-Hua & Shen Chong-Lin

Taiwan scholars' responses
35 How to investigate the changing phenomenon in family Kuang-Hui Yeh / 39 The identification, judgment and choice of social representation Tai-Hsing Daisy Day / 41 Gender circumstances in modern family Shane Wang / 43 Changes in parental relationship Ching-Sung Lee

Authors & editors' responses
45 Further discussion on the relationship between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law Hsiang-Ming Kung / 47 The logic of social psychology and cultural analysis Shuen-Wen Chen / 49 Reconsidering the editorial philosophy Catalina Yin

Special Issue
53 Development and Application of Cognitive Science Editor: Ovid J. L. Tzeng & Daisy Hung / 55 Human factors implications of working memory limits Yuh-Shiow Lee / 69 Debiasing hindsight bias: An application of the reason-generation procedure Chia-Pi Chang & Ju-Whei Lee / 93 Aviation safety: Applications of basic research on perception and attention Yei-Yu Yeh / 115 Trichromatic theory of color vision and its applications Su-Ling Yeh & I-Ping Chen / 143 Gamma correction for monitors used in psychological experiments I-Ping & Chen Su-Ling Yeh

Conceptual Article
165 Lessons from the earthquake: Re-exploring the epistemological issues within the subjects of counseling and psychology in the new millennium Yaw-Sheng Lin

Empirical Research
195 A follow-up research on the selection procedure of "Recommendation and Screening" Hsia-Lin Yao

Case Study
213 The process of empowerment in couple therapy: Experiences of a case of morbid jealousy Lien-Chien Yang

Messages & Information
68/114/142 Special issues in progress / 194/251 Call for papers / 252 Order form

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