


吳英璋 等主編

1 知其短,守其長︰論「系統思維」的特色與限制 黃光國 / 8 衝突的功能與化解︰回應〈家庭中的循環性衝突〉 黃俊傑 / 10 庖丁解牛,道乎?技乎? 劉惠琴 / 15 一個家庭治療師與家庭心理學的對話︰客觀真實、家庭系統理論與整合歷程系統觀點 楊連謙 / 19 家庭歷史回顧在心理治療上的應用︰另一取向的系統思維活動 鄭玉英 / 23 理論、研究、實務的對話與反思︰再論家庭心理學系統思維觀點 利翠珊 / 28 家庭心理學應如何達成「為實務而作研究,為研究而作實務」 葉光輝

35 健康心理學 吳英璋、陳慶餘、呂碧鴻、翁嘉英、陳秀蓉 主編 / 39 疾病基模與症狀知覺關係之探討 蕭芝殷 / 55 緊張型頭痛病人之症狀、生理病理機制、及心理社會因素探討 陳慶餘、翁嘉英、陳晶瑩 / 79 癌末病患的心理社會問題、因應策略與負向情緒 洪福建、鄭逸如、邱泰源、胡文郁、陳慶餘、吳英璋 / 105 慢性病的個人控制觀︰自主與依賴之間 林耀盛、吳英璋 / 129 慢性病患失能初期評價性自我概念之變化︰以腎病末期患者為例 翁嘉英 / 163 高血壓患者注意焦點的型態與個人生病行為的關係 陳秀蓉、呂碧鴻 / 191 生物心理社會取向之壓力衡鑑與壓力調適之效果評估 鄭逸如、吳英璋、呂碧鴻

219 母親信念、教養目標與教養行為(二)︰問卷編製與相關分析 林惠雅

54 進行中之專題 / 162 讀者參與意願表 / 218 訂閱單 / 245 歡迎來稿 / 78 五南圖書出版公司

Dialogues & Responses
1 Characteristics and limitations of system theory Kwang-Kuo Hwang / 8 Functions and solutions of conflicts Joseph Wong / 10 Triviality vs. significance Whei-Ching Liu / 15 A dialogue between a family therapist and a family psychologist Lien-Chien Yang / 19 The applications of family history reflection on psychotherapy Yu-Ying Cheng / 23 A dialogue and reflection on theory, research and practice Tsui-Shan Li / 28 How can family psychology reach the goal of "research for practice, and practice for research" Kuang-Hui Yeh

Special Issue
35 Health psychology Editor: En-Chang Wu, Ching-Yu Chen, Bee-Horng Lue, Chia-Ying Weng & Hsiu-Jung Chen / 39 The relationship between illness schema and symptom perception Chih-Yin Hsiao / 55 The symptomatology, pathophysiology, and psychosocial factors of tension-type headache Ching-Yu Chen, Chia-Ying Weng & Chin-Ying Chen / 79 Psychosocial problems, coping strategies, and negative feelings in terminal cancer patients Fu-Chien Hung, Yih-Ru Cheng, Tai-Yuan Chiu, Wen-Yu Hu, Ching-Yu Chen & En-Chang Wu / 105 Personal control over chronic illness: Between independence and dependence Yaw-Sheng Lin & En-Chang Wu / 129 The change of evaluative self-concept in chronic disable patient at early sick stage: In the case of end-stage renal disease patients Chia-Ying Weng / 163 The patterns of symptoms focusing attention and illness behaviors in hypertension adults Hsiu-Jung Chen & Bee-Horng Lue / 191 The outcome evaluation of biopsychosocial stress assessment and stress management Yih-Ru Cheng, En-Chang Wu & Bee-Horng Lue

Empirical Research
219 Mothers' beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors (II): Questionnaire construction and correlation analysis Huey-Ya Lin

Messages & Information
54 Special issues in progress / 162 Participation form / 218 Order form / 245 Call for papers / 78 Advertisement: Wu-Nan Book Co., Ltd.

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