


林惠雅 等主編


1 以知識重建觀點來看後見之明 洪瑞雲、吳庭瑜 / 9 關於後見之明的幾個有趣問題 詹志禹 / 11 色彩視覺的生理學補充觀點 張 寅 / 12 顯示器的色彩呈現 孫慶文 / 14 知覺與注意力在飛機座艙自動化系統中的角色因應 蔡秋月 / 17 認知科學的應用與人因工程 李再長 / 19 認知心理學其實很海闊天空 陳學志 / 25 認知科學的應用無限寬廣:以調查研究及數學應用題的措辭用語為例 陳振宇
29 色彩視覺的三色論:相關現象與解釋 葉素玲、陳一平 / 32 飛航安全:座艙自動化的人因議題 葉怡玉
39 從家庭治療歷程研究看自體內在結構的需求 吳台齡 / 41 誰人可以賦權使能? 李維榕 / 44 撐起一個空間︰回應〈從家庭治療歷程研究看自體內在結構的需求〉 / 46解除「權力」的咒語:回應〈誰人可以賦權使能?〉 楊連謙
51 心理復健工作者的置身所在︰由〈地震之後,千禧之始〉談起 李維倫 / 54 創傷、復健與置身所在:再論現代心理學處境,兼回應李維倫教授 林耀盛

67 心史如何相繫? 熊秉真 / 69 眾聲喧嘩之美 丁興祥

73 父母親的面貌 林惠雅、劉惠琴、王叢桂 主編 / 75 母親與幼兒互動中之教養行為分析 林惠雅 / 97 母女關係的社會建構 劉惠琴 / 131 促進參與父職因素的探討 王叢桂 / 173 父母眼中的離合處境與現代倫理意涵 余德慧、顧瑜君

213 經歷九二一:災民安置所的心理重建經驗 李維庭

66 進行中之專題 / 172/212 近期專題預告 / 72 歡迎來稿 / 251 投稿須知 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
Development and Application of Cognitive Science
1 A knowledge reconstruction view of hindsight bias Ruey-Yun Horng & Ting-Yu Wu / 9 Some interesting issues regarding hindsight Chih-Yu Chan / 11 Physiological viewpoints of color vision Yin Chang / 12 Monitor color display Vincent C. Sun. / 14 The role of perception and attention in aircraft cockpit automation system Chiou-Yueh Tsay / 17 The application of cognitive science and human engineering Tzai-Zang Lee / 19 Extensive applications of cognitive psychology Hsueh-Chih Chen / 25 The application of cognitive psychology is vast: The language issues in surveys and mathematical application problems Jenn-Yeu Chen
Authors' responses
29 Trichromatic theory of color vision: Related phenomena and explanatons Su-Ling Yeh & I-Ping Chen / 32 Aviation safety: The issue of human factor on aircraft cockpit automation system Yei-Yu Yeh
The process of empowerment in couple therapy:
Experiences of a case of morbid jealousy
39 The need of self inner structure viewing from the research of family therapeutic process Tai-Ling Wu / 41 Who can empower? Wai-Yung Lee / 44 A cooperative territory in couple therapy / 46 To remove the curse of power Lien-Chien Yang
Lessons from the earthquake: Re-exploring the epistemological issues within the subjects of counseling and psychology in the new millennium
51 The position of the psychologist Wei-Lun Lee / 54 Trauma, rehabilitation, and psychologists' position: Further discussion on the situation of modern psychology Yaw-Sheng Lin

67 A linkage between psychology and history Ping-Chen Hsiung / 69 The beauty of free discussion Shing-Shiang Ting

Special Issue
73 Contextual Perspective on Parenthood Editor: Huey-Ya Lin, Whei-Ching Liu & Chung-Kwei Wang / 75 An analysis of mothers' child-rearing behaviors during mother-child interactions Huey-Ya Lin / 97 Motherhood: A social constructive perspective Whei-Ching Liu / 131 An exploratory study on the formation of child-rearing fatherhood Chung-Kwei Wang / 173 Parent's hermeneutics of separation with child: An implication on modern ethics Der-Heuy Yee & Yu-Chung Ku

Experiences & Reflection
213 Experiencing '921' earthquake: Experiences of psychological rehabilitation with victims in a temporary shelter Wei-Ting Lee

Messages & Information
66/172/212 Special issues in progress / 72/251 Call for papers / 252 Order form

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