父 母 親 的 面 貌

父母親的面貌 / 林惠雅、劉惠琴、王叢貴 主編

母親與幼兒互動中之教養行為分析 / 林惠雅

母女關係的社會建構 / 劉惠琴

促進參與父職因素的探討/ 王叢貴

父母眼中的離合處境與現代倫理意涵 / 余德慧、顧瑜君


林惠雅•劉惠琴•王叢桂 主編

親子關係或父母教養長久以來一直是行為科學研究者相當重視並從事研究探討的領域之一。在國外,五、六十年來有關親子關係的研究已經數以千計。從發展心理學領域中的親子關係相關研究中觀之,不論在理論與研究主題或者是研究取向上均有一些演變。首先,Sigel在其1985年所編之Parental Belief Systems一書中的前言提出研究主題的演變方向:1920-1930年代,親子研究多半著重在父母管教方式或態度,且行為學派主導著理論架構和研究方法。在行為學派的主張和觀點之下,實驗法被視為唯一探究行為的客觀方法,自然情境的觀察法則被批評為不客觀和不準確,不過即使觀察法有如是的批評,仍有不少研究使用觀察法,輔以其他理論觀點來探討父母教養。


其次,在親子關係研究取向方面,早期的研究多半偏向單向取向(unidirectional approach)。單向取向隱含著下列二項觀點:一是父母由於本身因素(如特質或溝通型態等)的影響,導致父母的教養呈現一致的型態;二是親子關係乃直線因果關係,孩子的特質或行為是父母特質與溝通型態的直接結果。上述這種單向取向的觀點受到許多學者的質疑,而後雙向取向(bi-directional approach)、系統取向(system approach)的研究取向陸續被提出。雙向取向強調社會化過程是一種互動的過程,父母和孩子雙方均在社會化過程中扮演社會化代理者以及被社會化的角色,因此親子雙方具有交互之影響作用。至於系統取向則將家庭視為系統,家庭內所有成員彼此均有影響,任何成員的改變將使家庭系統產生改變。



An Analysis of Mothers' Child-rearing Behaviors during Mother-child Interactions
林惠雅 東吳大學心理系
Huey-Ya Lin
Department of Psychology Soochow University



美國加州大學Santa Barbara分校哲學博士(發展心理學) / 東吳大學心理系副教授
通訊處:(111)台北市士林區臨溪路70號 東吳大學心理系
電話(02)28819471轉6918 傳真(02)28810379

His study consists two aims. These aims are (1) to describe the characteristics of mothers' child-rearing behaviors during mother-child interactions, and (2) to describe the characteristics of mothers' child-rearing behaviors in the sequences of mother-child interactions.
Based on observational records of interactions between 13 pairs of children aged 5 or 6 and their mothers, we analyze the natures of interacting events, mothers' child-rearing behaviors, children's behaviors and results of interactions. The results are shown in the followings. First of all, mothers seem to play the role of socializing agent actively during the interactions between mothers and children. In addition, mothers play the role of socializing agent in terms of directors or educators, which means that mothers more often initiate controlled-events than children do to modify or maintain children's behaviors. Moreover, mothers usually deal with children's behaviors by means of instruction or prohibition, or even punishment.
Secondly, mothers' child-rearing behaviors are significantly interacted with the natures of interacting events and children's behaviors, but not with mothers themselves. Finally, when the immediate sequential interactions between mothers' child-rearing behaviors and children's reactions are examined, the features are: positive actions in return for positive actions, and negative actions in return for negative actions, as well as children's ignorance in return for mothers' repeated instruction or prohibition.

Keywords: child-rearing behaviors, mother-child interaction

Motherhood︰A Social Constructive Perspective
劉惠琴 東吳大學心理系
CWhei-Ching Liu
Department of Psychology Soochow University



美國明尼蘇達大學博士(社會心理學) / 東吳大學心理系副教授
通訊處:(111)台北市士林區臨溪路70號 東吳大學心理系
電話(02)28819471轉6915 傳真(02)28810379

This article is to explore the social constructing processes of motherhood in Taiwan from female adolescents' perspective. 54 female adolescents were interviewed by initial interview, focus group, and depth interview processes to explore how they perceive their mothers, and how they identify with their mothers as women. Results were presented in terms of mother images, mothers in different contexts, girls' context reading processes, and the changes of mother-daughter relationships.

Keywords:female adolescent, mother-daughter relationship, motherhood, social construction

An Exploratory Study on the Formation of Child-rearing Fatherhood
王叢桂 東吳大學心理系
Chung-Kwei Wang
Department of Psychology Soochow University



美國德州大學奧斯丁分校哲學博士(社會與人格心理學) / 東吳大學心理系教授
通訊處:(111)台北市士林區臨溪路70號 東吳大學心理系
電話(02)28819471轉6913 傳真(02)28810379

Today, many fathers in Taiwan still expect their wives to do all the jobs of parenting. Even though young generation fathers feel distressed about their relationships with their elders, they were still not motivated to involve in child-rearing. In present research, following the principle of ground theory, the author aimed to identify key elements in the process of constructing the new fatherhood identity.
A sample of 9 couples from intact families was obtained from three resources: two non-profit societies aimed to enhance family harmony as well as new manhood, and one parent association of an elementary school. It was found out, through the emergent themes of interview data, several factors may contribute to the construction of child-rearing fatherhood.
These factors include: commitment on family, family crisis induced by the absence of fatherhood, father's own experiences or observation on the negative effects of fragmented fatherhood, encouragement from their wives, models from successful/unsuccessful families, the intrinsic positive feedback in child-rearing. It was also found out that the conduct of child-rearing fatherhood requires readjustment of career development of these fathers. The results also reveal an important issue. In the absence of indigenous child-rearing involvement fatherhood model, these fathers rely on imported knowledge from America. We need to carry out more researches to understand the effect of "western fatherhood model" on the new fatherhood identity in this country.

Keywords:participatory fatherhood, family commitment

Parent's Hermeneutics of Separation with Child︰ An Implication on Modern Ethics
余德慧 東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
顧瑜君 東華大學教育研究所
Der-Heuy Yee / Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture
Yu-Chung Ku / Institute of Education
National Dong Hwa University

本研究訪問十位父母敘說其與子女之間的情事,其子女的年齡依序由兒童期、青少年期乃至離家讀書工作的青年期,以便能夠在敘說資料中確立敘說的歷史距離,使父母現在的置身位置出現(something at issue)。其次,我們將受訪父母的敘說資料做三重構作的說明:(1)存有關係(生養經驗的本體);(2)協商構作(親子的生活情事),與(3)超驗結構(親子之間的「社會」)來探討父母對自己與子女關係的意涵,以便從經驗史性來瞭解父母對親子關係的發展階段到詮釋的理解:從共生到分離,從交互到區分,其實都是存有關係與協商構作的雙重運作,一旦提到超驗的社會結構來考量,父母很明白子女的外離運動,留在原處的父母只能被動的等著回報,但是父母作為已經付出者的位置,回報的時間權已經轉到子女身上,換言之,子女成為如何反身的倫理主導者,回報的時機與心意已經不在父母手上,而形成倫理的不對稱與不可逆反。對父母來說,倫理變成一個困難處境,「孝」或「不孝」,父母成為坐等的人。


台灣大學心理學研究所博士(臨床心理學) / 東華大學族群關係與文化研究所教授
通訊處:(974)花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路2段1號 東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
電話(038)662500轉23122 傳真(038)662789

美國奧立崗大學哲學博士(教育) / 東華大學教育研究所副教授
通訊處:(974)花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路2段1號 東華大學教研所
電話(038)662500轉24413 傳真(038)662636

We propose a triple levels model to account for the relations between parent and child from parent's viewpoint: (1)an ontological relation called bring-up experience, which is grounded on the existential level of parent-child relationship; (2)a dealing-with relation , based on everyday interaction, and (3)the social, which Is the force parents perceived as an external reality. We assume that the dealing-with level tends to overshadow the ontological experience of bring-up, thus we decode the narrative data on separation Issues by Heidegger's hermeneutic methodology, try to reveal that the parent-child relationship is asymmetry and the parents are destined to be passive to face the separation. We also analyze the power management of the social which keep child away from parents not enabling to resist. The implication of filial pity is also discussed.

Keywords: Separation, Ethics, bring-up experience, the social

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