


關秉寅 等主編

1 說健康太沉重 李維倫 / 6 由災民的害怕反思健康心理學研究方法 蔣欣欣 / 8 何以九二一大地震的受災戶喜歡尋求非專業團體進行心理輔導? 楊牧貞 / 10 臨床心理學在初期照顧的重要性 許文耀 / 12 生死兩相安︰癌病的影響與照顧 鍾昌宏 / 16 老來學做鼓吹手︰老年失智症的病因與預防 劉秀枝 / 18 真相、知識、與臨床工作專業領域 吳英璋 / 21 癌症︰生死而已? 洪福建

27 兩岸社會變遷中的家庭 關秉寅、狄明德、尹美琪 主編 / 29 文化反哺︰變遷社會中的親子傳承 周曉虹 / 57 婆媳過招為哪樁?︰ 婆婆、媳婦與兒子(丈夫)三角關係的探討 孔祥明 / 97 夫妻內在一致性的來源 李 煜 / 109 婚姻質量︰中國兩農村的實証研究 徐安琪、葉文振 / 131 從家務工作的本質談雙薪家庭夫妻家事分工 唐先梅 / 175 九○年代中國大陸地區家庭觀念及關係變化狀況研究 肖 平 / 205 「仁」與「禮」:台灣民眾的家庭價值觀與工作態度 陳舜文 / 229 論家庭:從傳統到現代 狄明德

130/174 新專題構想 / 236 進行中之專題 / 204 歡迎來稿 / 251 投稿須知 / 245 索引 / 252訂閱單 / 228 台灣古籍出版公司

Dialogues & Responses
1 Is health topic too much a burden on patient? Wei-Lun Lee / 6 A reflection on the methodology of health psychology: A meditation on the fear of the victims Hsien-Hsien Chiang / 8 Why should the victims of 921 earthquake search for non-professional consulting? Mu-Jang Yang / 10 The importance of early stage caring in clinical psychology Wen-Yau Shu / 12 Tranquility in life and death: The impact and caring of cancer Chang-Hung Chung / 16 The reasons and prevention of Alzheimer's disease Hsiu-Chih Liu / 18 Truth, knowledge, and the professional scope of clinical psychology En-Chang Wu / 21 Cancer: Is it just a matter of life and death? Fu-Chien Hung

Special Issue
27 Family in a changing society: The Cases of Taiwan and Mainland China Editor: Ping-Yin Kuan, Dominique Tyl & Catalina Yin / 29 Cultural feedback: Cultural transition between parents and their children in a changing society Zhou Xiao-Hong / 57 Intergenerational interaction between mothers- and daughters-in-law: A qualitative study Hsiang-Ming Kung / 97 Source of intrinsic identity between spouses Lee Yu / 109 Marital quality: An empirical research of two rural areas in China Xu An-Qi & Ye Wen-Zhen / 131 Division of domestic labor in dual-earner families: A perspective of the nature of housework Shain-May Tang / 175 A study of the change of family concept and family relation in Mainland China of 1990's Xiao Ping / 205 Benevolence and propriety: The family values and attitudes toward work in Taiwan Shuen-Wen Chen / 229 On family: From tradition to modern Dominique Tyl

Messages & Information
130/174 New special issues / 236 Special issues in progress / 204/251 Call for papers / 245 Indices / 252 Order form / 228 Advertisement: Taiwan Ancient Book Co., Ltd.

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