


王雅各 主編

1 理性與感性:人的雙重性 李美枝 5我的哲學生活故事:主體性的反思與建構 鈕則誠
19 主體就在變化歷程中 林安梧
25 橫看成嶺側成峰:「主體性」是什麼? 何青蓉
28 驀然回首與另闢蹊徑 熊秉真
30 相遇及回應 郭麗安
34 男女想法是否有別? 朱建民
38 眾聲喧嘩•生趣盎然 劉惠琴 39 對話:流動、卡住與往前走吧! 夏林清
41 高牆外的春天 賴誠斌、丁興祥
42 野地尋蹊徑,只為「開」「誠」 翁開誠

45 男性研究 王雅各 主編
51 男性性別意識之形成 畢恆達
85 男性性別角色刻板印象之形成與鬆動 朱蘭慧
121 父權意識型態下的男性經驗探究:以三位國小教育人員為例 陳佑任 157 男性的月經文化:建構與行動 張天韻 187 雙薪家庭中階級與夫妻權力關係之探討 張志堯
223 回顧所來路,蒼蒼橫翠微:與性加害者21年工作之田野筆記 陳若璋

120進行中之專題 44/248近期專題預告 222新專題構想 249歡迎來稿 250投稿須知 251五南圖書廣告 252訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
Exploring and Practicing the Subjectivity
1 Rationality and sensibility Mei-Chih Li 5 My philosophical life story: Reflection and construction of subjectivity Tse-Cheng Niu 19 Subjectivity on the becoming process An-wu Lin 25 What is "subjectivity"?: Ambiguous looks from different positions Ching-Jung Ho 28 An endnote and a new path Ping-chen Hsiung 30 Being a counselor, doing gender Li-An Kuo 34 Do men and women think differently? Jien-Ming Jue
Author's & editor's responses
38 Voices and illuminations Jean Liu 39 Dialogue: Flow, stuck, and forward Lin-Ching Hsia 41 The calling of spring Cheng-Pin Lai & Shing-Shiang Ting 42 Searching paths in the wilds, struggling to disclose the inner truth Kai-Cheng Wong
Special Issue
45 Men's Studies
Editor: Ya-Ko Wang 51 The formation of men's gender consciousness Herng-Dar Bih 85 The research on men's gender role stereotype shaping and releasing Lan-Hui Chu 121 Exploring male experiences under patriarchal ideology: Cases of three male elementary school teachers You-Jen Chen 157 Men's menstrual culture: Construction and action Tian-Yun Chang 187 The "class" exhibition in dual- earner family Chih-Yao Chang 223 Working with sex offenders: A 21-year journey Roda Chen

Messages & Information
44/120/248 Special issues in progress 222 New special issues 249/250 Call for papers 251 Advertisement 252 Order form

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