


翁開誠 主編

1建立可被檢驗的模型以增強創造力之研究 曾志朗 3創意啟發…捨「我」其誰 陳昭儀 10對華人學生創造力研究之淺見 郭奕龍
15創造力研究的創造力釋放與再聚 邱皓政

19主體性的探究與實踐 翁開誠 主編
23覺解我的治療理論與實踐:通過故事來成人之美 翁開誠 70未竟 的故事:「覺解」翁開誠教授的「覺解」一文 林耀盛 76我的對話 金樹人 78困知勉行下的覺解,有勞看官了 翁開誠
83性別與心理學的相遇 劉惠琴 108「男」對「作品」的回應 王行 111男學生與女性心理學家的相遇 趙淑珠 113社會不是一天造成的 劉惠琴
119 尋找一個對話的位置:基進教育與社會學習歷程 夏林清 157敘事與意識:另一個對話的位置 宋文里 165尋找或轉化一個對話的位置 陶蕃瀛 168對話前行甚於位置的找尋 夏林清
173 歷史及社會文化脈絡中個人主體性之建構:以沈從文的堅持為例 賴誠斌、丁興祥 214追索敘說自我的主體 余德慧 218極權體制下五四之子的生命出路 盧建榮 221紅杏出牆傳花香 賴誠斌、丁興祥

225 精神科婚姻治療門診病人的婚姻狀況 楊連謙、董秀珠

18 進行中之專題 22/82新專題構想 118歡迎來稿 172投稿須知 246 索引 251五南圖書廣告 252訂閱單單

Dialogues & Responses
The Formation and Change of Chinese Values
1 Testable models benefit creativity research Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng 3 To light up creativity, I shall be the one to Chao-Yi Chen 10 What relates to Chinese creativity? Chinese personality , policy and generation Yi-Lung Kuo
Author's & editor's responses
15 The release and re-convergence of creativity in research on creativity Haw-jeng Chiou
Special Issue
19 Exploring and Practicing the Subjectivity
Editor: Kai-Cheng Wong
23 Conscious reflections on my own theory and practice of psychotherapy: Appreciating the beauty of a person through the stories Kai-Cheng Wong
70 Unfinished story: Being aware of Dr. Wong's 'self-understanding process' Yaw-Sheng Lin
76 Dialogue in between Shuh-Ren Jin
78 A conscious reflection from my experiences of confused knowing and awkward acting Kai-Cheng Wong
83 When gender meets psychology:A reflection of gender perspectives on psychology Jean Liu 108 The responding from a man Shane Wang 111Questions from a male student's perspective Shu-Chu Chao 113 Society is not made in one day Jean Liu
119 Searching a position for conversation: Radical education and social learning process Lin-Ching Hsia 157 Narrative and consciousness: Another position for the dialogue Wen-Li Soong 165 Searching or transforming a dialogue position Fan-Ying Tao 168 Moving on in conversation inquiry Lin-Ching Hsia
173 The construction of individuals' subjectivity in the historical and sociocultural context : A psychobiographical study of Shen Ts'ung-wen Cheng-Pin Lai & Shing-Shiang Ting
214 An inquiry into the subject of narrative self Der-Heuy Yee
218 Groping for light under a totalitarian regime: Trial & tribulation of the May Fourth Movement's offspring Chien-Lung Lu 221Beyond is the new front Cheng-Pin Lai & Shing-Shiang Ting Wu

Empirical Research
225 Marital conditions of patients in a couple therapy clinic of a psychiatric center Lien-Chien Yang & Hsiu-Chu Tung

Messages & Information
18 Special issues in progress 22/82 New special issues
118/172 Call for papers 246 Review policy & criteria
251 Advertisement 252 Order formm

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