


王淑女、侯崇文、周愫嫻 主編

1 有效的人員甄選:效用與價值觀點 郭建志 / 4橘逾淮而為枳:再論同儕提名法之實務效用 洪英正 / 7如何以甄選工具提昇人與工作的適配性? 連雅慧 / 11 甄選方法如何有效? 洪瑞斌
20 突破與創新:他山之石可以攻錯 張裕隆

23 青少年問題及防治對策 王淑女、侯崇文、周愫嫻主編 / 25 家庭結構、家庭關係與青少年偏差行為探討 侯崇文 / 45 家庭、自我概念與青少年偏差行為 黃俊傑、王淑女 / 69 家內暴力的成因與後果:以母親為例 吳齊殷、陳易甫 / 93 愛上學的孩子,不會變壞嗎?論學校因素與青少年偏差行為之關係 周愫嫻 / 117 影響青年學習行為的組織承諾、信念與一些社會特徵 陳正和 / 141 青少年處理人際糾紛之方式初探 關秉寅

175 那株紅杏不出牆?開放教育的誘惑與陷阱 余安邦 / 212 開放教育的迷思:回應余安邦 廖鳳瑞 / 216 由傳統走向開放:佳美的經驗 劉玉燕 / 230 如何落實豐富多元的開放教育? 柯秋桂 / 236 成長兒童學園的誕生 倪鳴香 / 241 開放教育做為一種學術論述:兼論九年一貫課程的隱憂與哀愁 余安邦

44 新專題構想 / 92 近期專題預告 / 116 進行中之專題 / 174 歡迎來稿 / 249 審稿理念與標準 / 251 投稿須知 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
Effective Selection Methods
1 Effective personnel selection: The aspect of utility and value Chien-Chih Kuo / 4 You may follow suit, but you just scratch the surface Ying-Cheng Hung / 7 How to improve person-job fit by using appropriate personnel selection methods? Ya-Hui Lien / 11 How effective of those methods? Robinson Horng
Author's & editor's responses
20 Breakthrough & Innovation: Exploring a new research area Yue-Loong Chang

Special Issue
23 Adolescent Problems and the Policy for Prevention Editors: Shu-Neu Wang, Charles Hou & Susyan Jou / 25 Family structure, family relationships, and delinquency Charles Hou / 45 Family, self-concept and deviant behaviors of adolescents Joseph Wong & Shu-Neu Wang / 69 The causes and consequences of domestic violence: Taking mothers as an example Chyi-In Wu & Yi-Fu Chen / 93 Can a youth love to go to school and yet behave delinquently? A study on schooling and juvenile delinquency Susyan Jou / 117 Beliefs, organizational commitments, and deviant learning behaviors: A study of the university students Jeng-Her Chen / 141 An exploratory study on handling interpersonal disputes among young people Ping-Yin Kuan

Discourse & Dialogues
175 Bewitchment by ideology? The temptation and pitfall of open education in Taiwan An-Bang Yu / 212 Four myths of implementation of open education Fong-Ruey Liaw / 216 Toward open education Yun-Yen Liu / 230 How to practice the multiple and colorful open education? Chiu-Kuei Ko / 236 The konception of Healthy Growth Center of early childhood education Ming-Shiang Ni / 241 Open education as an academic discourse An-Bang Yu

Messages & Information
44 New special issues / 92/116 Special issues in progress / 174/251 Call for papers / 249 Review policy & criteria / 252 Order form

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