青 少 年 問 題 及 防 治 對 策





愛上學的孩子,不會變壞嗎? 論學校因素與青少年偏差行為之關係

影響青年學習行為的組織承諾、 信念與一些社會特徵



王淑女•侯崇文•周愫嫻 主編








Family Structure, Family Relationships, and Delinquency
侯崇文 台北大學社會系
Charles Hou / Department of Sociology
National Taipei University



美國Bowling Green大學社會學博士 / 台北大學社會系教授兼教務長
通訊處:(104)台北市民生東路三段67號 台北大學社會系
電話(02)25021520轉7869 傳真(02)25173834

This paper intends to address the relationship between family and delinquency. Previous researches are mostly concerned with the independent effects of family structure and family relationships on delinquency. There is a lack of effort on the interrelated effects between family structure and relationships on delinquency. Our research intends to study delinquency from this perspective. A total of 107 samples were collected. Major findings are:(1) Family structure is related to delinquency, with children from intact families experiencing less delinquency, and children from broken families experiencing more delinquency. However, a significant part of its effects is from its interaction with family relationships. (2) Family relationships, such as: family atmosphere, kinship conflict, communication, and mutual trust and understanding are related to delinquency. The effects are direct and significant. In sum, we argue that criminologists should focus on the interactive nature of family structure and family relationships on delinquency, rather than on the theoretical competition between these two important family factors.

Keywords: family structure, family relationships, and delinquency

Family, Self-concept and Deviant Behaviors of Adolescents
黃俊傑 、王淑女/ 輔仁大學社會系
Joseph Wong & Shu-neu Wang / Department of Sociology Fu-Jen Catholic University



美國聖若望大學社會學博士 / 輔仁大學副校長及社會系教授
通訊處:(242)台北縣新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學社會系
電話(02)29031111轉2203 傳真(02)29039809

美國亞歷桑那大學社會學博士 / 輔仁大學社會學系教授
通訊處:(242)台北縣新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學社會系
電話(02)2903-1111轉2640 傳真(02)2901-0827

This study aims to identify the causal relationships among family, especial family relationship, self-concept and deviant behaviors of adolescents. Survey data are collected from sixty students, randomly selected from two general and delinquent groups of junior and senior high schools in Taipei area by interviews and questionnaires. Various statistics are used to analyze the data. Several variables are introduced as control variables in regression analyses. The data show that family relationship indeed influences self-concept of youths. However, self-concept does not have a direct effect on deviant behaviors of adolescents. Hostile environment of school, delinquent peers, physical health and beliefs all have direct effects on deviant behaviors of adolescents. Furthermore, hostile environment of school is the most important factor. Hostile environment of school, delinquent peers and physical health all are directly influenced by family relationships.

Keywords: family, adolescent, deviant behavior, and self-concept

The Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence: Taking Mothers as Example
吳齊殷 中央研究院社會學研究所
陳易甫 美國愛荷華州立大學社會學系
Chyi-in Wu / Institute of Sociology Academic Sinica
Yi-Fu Chen / Department of Sociology
Iowa State University



美國愛荷華州立大學社會學博士 / 中央研究院社會學研究所副研究員
通訊處:(115)台北市研究院路二段128號 中央研究院社會學研究所
電話(02)2652-3397 傳真(02)2651-0415


Past studies related to domestic violence have indicated that adults who were subject to severe physical discipline as children are often violent toward their spouses and children as adults. This finding is usually attributed to modeling or the learning of attitudes that legitimately hitting family members. Using three waves of data from a sample of Taipei metropolitan families, this study found only limited support for these interpretations. Data analysis showed that the association between childhood exposure to harsh parenting and recurrent adult violence toward children or a spouse was mediated by the extent to which adults who experienced severe physical discipline as children displayed an antisocial orientation. However, the influence of intergenerational transmission is still shown up even after controlling for the mediating effect of antisocial orientation. This might be taken as an indication that domestic violence is a sophisticated process, which involved several critical pathways of transitions. In any case, grandparent's inept parenting did show significant influence on adult child's antisocial traits and aggressive behaviors. That is, inept parenting might be one of the crucial causes of victim's conduct problems.

domestic violence, grandparent's parenting practices, mother's anti-social traits, parenting role, and family role

愛上學的孩子,不會變壞嗎? 論學校因素與青少年偏差行為之關係
Can a Youth Love to Go to School and Yet Behave Delinquently?
A Study on Schooling and Juvenile Delinquency
周愫嫻 / 台北市立師範學院社教系
Susyan Jou / Department of Social Studies,
Taipei Municipal Teachers' College



美國紐約州立大學社會學博士 台北市立師範學院社教系教授(2001年8月起轉任台北大學犯罪學研究所教授)
通訊處:(104)台北市建國北路二段65號 台北大學犯罪學研究所

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between schooling and juvenile delinquency in Taiwan. After collecting 107 aged 13-18 students data by both quantitative survey instruments and qualitative depth interviews, this paper finds that (1) the most influential school factors on delinquency are the teachers' prejudice to "delinquent" students, the students' negative attitudes to school, and the atmosphere of over-emphasis on grades in school; (2) the explanation of negative attitudes on delinquency works more effectively to at-risk and delinquent students than those non-delinquents; (3) schooling has more negative effects on at-risk students than the delinquents and non-delinquents; (4) school factors explain more significantly to the serious delinquent behaviors than misdemeanors. According to the research findings, this paper suggests that schools build a comfortable, friendly environment for students to stay and interact with teachers. Two criteria are suggested to evaluate how the organizational success a high school is: (1) if schools are able to make delinquent students voluntarily stay and continue studying; (2) if teachers are willing to respond hospitablly to the needs of students. However, the conclusions of this paper need to be more carefully applied, due to its relatively small sample size.

Keywords: juvenile delinquency, school, teachers, education

影響青年學習行為的組織承諾、 信念與一些社會特徵
Beliefs, Organizational Commitments, and Deviant Learning Behaviors: A Study of the University Students
陳正和 / 輔仁大學社會系
Jeng-Her Chen / Department of Sociology
Fu Jen Catholic University

本研究應用組織承諾的研究取向,進一步充實偏差犯罪研究中社會連結鍵的承諾要素之理論內涵,並探討承諾要素(外控要素)可能中介社會連結鍵中的信念(內控要素)對偏差行為的作用。以輔仁大學法管學院學生為對象,實際探討大學青年的組織承諾與信念認同以及學習行為面表現的現況。主要的研究發現有:(1)支持McCaul等學者認為可以一個對組織的全面態度來量度組織承諾的看法,而將信念與行為面的表現分開來的做法有助於對這三者之間的複雜先後關係進行進一步的探討;(2)應用社會連結鍵中的信念與承諾這兩個內外控要素,可以解釋大學生學習行為的發展,本研究並再次肯定Krohn與Massey所提出承諾要素是解釋偏差行為最有預測能力的研究結論;(3)Hirschi在社會連結鍵中所作有關承諾要素的定義可以由組織分析中對組織承諾的定義作適當的補充,換言之,由計算上的承諾概念在不同的研究對象中,轉變為態度上的承諾概念;(4)態度上的組織承諾中介信念對學習行為的影響,組織承諾亦對學習行為有其正向影響作用,支持了Fishbein 與Ajzen等社會心理學者有關信念影響態度以至行為的見解;(5)個人特徵如性別,年齡(年級),與父親教育程度對大學生的學習行為有其部分影響作用,惟性別的作用與理論預期不符。 本研究支持工作(學習)特徵與環境較之家庭特徵對青年的學習行為有更多影響作用的論點,並強調內外控要素的連結觀點在探討偏差犯罪行為上的重要性。

關鍵詞:組織承諾, 社會連結鍵,中介作用

美國紐約州立大學(Albany校區)博士(社會學) 輔仁大學社會學系副教授
通訊處:(242)台北縣新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學社會系
電話(02)29031111轉2785 傳真(02)29010827

This paper compares the latest development in organizational commitment concept and the commitment concept in Travis Hirschi's social bond theory. By extending McCaul's concept of commitment as a global attitude toward an organization, this study explores the possible relationship between beliefs and behaviors mediated by organizational commitments. A sample survey of students from colleges of law and management supports the idea proposed. The commitment concept of the social bond theory can be linked to the organizational commitment research tradition, with a predicted intermediating effect between beliefs and behaviors.

Keywords: organizational commitment, social bond, intermediating effect

An Exploratory Study on Handling Interpersonal Disputes among Young People
關秉寅 / 輔仁大學社會系
Ping-Yin Kuan / Department of Sociology
Fu Jen Catholic University



美國維吉尼亞大學社會學博士 / 輔仁大學社會學系副教授(2001年8月起轉任政治大學社會系副教授)
通訊處:(116)台北市文山區指南路二段64號 政治大學社會系

This paper reports an exploratory study on how young people handle their interpersonal disputes. The study is guided by the theoretical perspectives developed by Donald Black and Allan Horwitz and psychological researches on the development of adolescence. According to Black's or Horwitz's approach, interpersonal disputes can be handled unilaterally, bilaterally, or trilaterally. The nature of the structure of social relationship such as the degree of intimacy or social status will affect which type of resolution methods adopted to handle interpersonal conflicts. The psychological researches on adolescent's development have found that the process of biological, cognitive, moral development and the formation of self-concept of young people have impacts on how they will deal with situations of interpersonal conflicts. Several research hypotheses were tested by the data of a survey of 107 students selected from a middle school, a high school, and correctional institutions. Major findings are:(1) Inaction, which includes tolerance and avoidance, is the most frequently used method by young people to handle interpersonal disputes if the other party has close relationship with them or has a higher status. However, if the other party is their classmate or friend, young people also tend to use various bilateral methods to deal with the interpersonal conflicts. (2) Young people tend to use one type of resolution methods in handling various kinds of interpersonal disputes. (3) Males tend to use inaction more to resolve conflicts with their parents or teachers. (4) The social relationship of young people in one particular realm of their lives, such as school, family or peers, will affect the methods adopted to resolve conflicts in the other realms.

Keywords: youth, social control, interpersonal disputes, conflict resolution

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