質 性 研 究 :理 論 與 實 作 對 話


質性方法中的參照推論分析: 傳記研究之案例分析

現象學方法與理論之反思: 一個質性方法之介紹


窺、潰、饋: 我與生命史研究相遇的心靈起伏

一群「實習幼兒」的短期就學經驗: 另類教育實習方式和方法省思


馮朝霖•簡楚瑛 主編

  狄爾泰(Wilhelm Dilthey)在構思精神科學(Geisteswissenschaften)歷史世界成立的理論基礎時,曾一語道破地說:「人沒有什麼本性,他只有歷史」!因此,歷史不僅是人性的舞台,也是存有(Sein,Being)臨現及開顯的場域,人研究歷史不僅試圖在尋找相關問題的所謂真相,其實更根本的旨趣乃是人自我了解(self-understandung)的嘗試與努力。狄爾泰意指的精神科學歷史世界包括了現代一般所稱的人文科學與社會科學全部領域,而狄爾泰為建構精神科學獨特的研究方法所提出的「歷史理性」詮釋學方法理論包括了生命的「體驗」(Erlebnis)、「表達」(Ausdruck)、「詮釋」(Auslegung)等重要概念,這些概念乃是「生命史」(life story)研究的基本構成要素,並成為往後各種取向質性研究之濫觴。在「後-主義」(postism)時代,研究方法典範的多元性必定會越來越明顯,因此在眾聲喧嘩的氣氛中,邀請學術同行一起進行各種可能形式的交會與對話應該具有一定程度的意義,這也是本次專題的緣起,而我們也相信這應只是一個小小的嘗試。

  本專題第一篇論文〈質性方法中的參照推論分析〉原為2001年3月在政治大學舉行之學術研討會的英文專題演講稿,由馮朝霖翻譯為中文,作者Rainer Kokemohr(德國漢堡大學教授)乃是狄爾泰門下嫡傳Ernst Lichtenstein的學生,對於質性研究的理論與實踐之關鍵性問題及挑戰具有非常明確的洞察,因此已經嘗試開創新的方法取向,具有可觀的啟示性。他主張傳記研究作為社會科學的研究方法,試圖分析個人的敘說(narrations),以期了解人們如何藉由意義的連結而建構他們的社會世界,傳記研究學上最為困難的方法論問題就在於:在理解陌生人的傳記敘說上,如何避免範括,而能確實理解他人或他文化的真正思想?傳統上,文化相對主義與普世主義代表對此問題的兩種極端回答。為了脫離其困境,本文提出「參照推論分析」(inferential analysis)方法,並以作者在漢堡大學所做的兩個案例,作為實作分析的文本,最後在呈現「遍在式參照推論」與「獨一式參照推論」的對比中,理解個人生命意義的建構與社會發展兩者之間的互動(辯證)關係。






Inference Analysis as Qualitative Methodology: Case Studies in Biographic Research
Rainer Kokemohr / 德國漢堡大學教育學院普通教育學系
馮朝霖 譯 / 政治大學教育學系
Rainer Kokemohr / Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft Hamburg University
Tsao-Lin Fong (translator) / Department of Educaiton Chengchi University

  傳記研究作為社會科學的研究方法,試圖分析個人的敘說(narrations),以期了解人們如何藉由意義的連結而建構他們的社會世界,準此,傳記研究似乎可被視為一種克服鉅觀(社會學)與微觀(心理學)研究之間鴻溝的方法。但是傳記研究有一個難以解決的關鍵問題-「範括」(subsumption),也就是研究者以自己預設的範疇作為參照架構來解析他人的敘說。易言之,傳記研究學上最為困難的方法論問題就在於:在理解陌生人的傳記敘說上,如何避免範括,而能確實掌握理解他人或他文化的真正思想?傳統上,文化相對主義與普世主義代表對此問題的兩種極端回答。為了脫離它們的困境,本文提出「參照推論分析」(inferential analysis)方法,並以作者在漢堡大學所做的兩個案例,作為實作分析的文本,最後在呈現「遍在式參照推論」與「獨一式參照推論」的對比中,理解個人生命意義的建構與社會發展兩者之間的互動(辯證)關係。


Rainer Kokemohr
德國Munster大學哲學博士 / 德國漢堡大學教育學院普通教育學系教授

德國Bonn大學哲學博士 / 政治大學教育學系教授
通訊處:(116)台北市文山區指南路二段64號 政治大學教育學系

 Biographic research as a method of social science tries to analyze individual narrations in order to understand how people construct their social world by articulating meanings. In this sense, biographic research seems to be a simple way for overcoming the gap between the macro- and micro-perspective. But, a crucial problem in biographic research - subsumption, is hardly to resolve. In another word, the most difficult issue in biographic research would be how to avoid subsumption and how to grasp the real concepts of another person or culture in understanding strange biographic narrations. Traditionally, cultural relativism and universalism are two typical "dead ends" of answers responding to this problem. To avoid embarrassment, this article will present the "inferential analysis" method with two case studies from my research in Hamburg University as material for the purpose of the analysis practice. Finally, with contrast of the ubiquitous inference and the singular inference, we will be able to understand the interactive(dialectical) relationship between the individual construction of life significance and the social development.

Keywords: life-story, biographic research, inferential analysis, ubiquitous inference, singular inference, metaphor

現象學方法與理論之反思: 一個質性方法之介紹
A Reflection on the Phenomenological Method and Theory: Introduction to a Qualitative Method
汪文聖 / 政治大學哲學系
Wen-Sheng Wang / Department of Philosophy
National Chengchi University



德國曼次大學哲學博士 / 政治大學哲學系副教授

 This article aims at a comparision and clarification of Husserl's transcendental and Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology. The detailed procedure is as follows. In face of some domestic-psychological studies in Taiwan to which the hermeneutic-phenomenological method has been applied, our initial tasks are the explication of their theoretical background, the demonstration of their some applications, and the elaberation of the condition of possibility for their obtaining an essential structure. We will point out this condition as the self-exposure of "Sein" (Being). As we comprehend the domestic-psychologists have no distinct method to execute from the narrative description to the constitution of the essential structure; therefore, this paper suggests a workable path in Husserl's transcendental phenomenology for reference. The transcendental-phenomenological process from the Epoche, to the Phenomenlogical Reduction, then to the Imaginative Variation is likewise the one from the textural description, to the structural description, then to the constitution of a general essential structure. Being a guide of this process, the transcendental subjectivity is also the condition of possibility for that constitution of essential structure. Based on the view of the self-exposure of "Sein" being the condition for obtaining an essential structure in the hermeneutic phenomenology, we can establish an effective method for those domestic-psychologists. Explicitly, the self-exposure of "Sein" is the leading direction of the process from the narrative description of individual thing, to the structural description, then to the constitution of a general essential structure.

Keywords: hermeneutic phenomenology, transcendental phenomenology, domenstic psychology, Heidegger, Husserl

Psychobiography and its Applications: Paradigm and Methods
丁興祥、賴誠斌 / 輔仁大學心理系
Shing-Shiang Ting、Cheng-Pin Lai /
Department of Psychology Fu-Jen Catholic University



美國加州大學戴維斯分校哲學博士(社會與人格心理學) 輔仁大學心理系教授
通訊處:(242)新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學心理系

通訊處:(242)新莊市中正路510號 輔仁大學心理學研究所

 Psychobiography is the systematic and substantial use of psychological theory and knowledge to transform a person's life into a coherent and illuminating story. Psychobiography is not only a way of doing biography, it is also a way of doing psychology. The purpose of this study is to introduce and discuss the methods used in psychobiography. This study includes the definitions of psychobiography, psychobiographical methods, the issues of doing psychobiography, the process to construct a psychobiography as well as the application and possible contributions of psychobiography. Recently, paradigm shift in human and social sciences is more obvious. Psychobiographical research is gaining more and more recognition. An example of psychobiographical study is also presented and examined. In conclusion, the possible contribution and development of psychobiography are introduced.

psychobiography, psychobiographical methods, social constructionism, life story

窺、潰、饋: 我與生命史研究相遇的心靈起伏
Peep, Debacle and Reward: A Narrative of My Experience of the Life History Research
熊同鑫 / 台東師範學院教育研究所
Tung-Hsing Hsiung / Graduate Institute of
Education National Taitung Teachers College



美國喬治亞大學教育心理系哲學博士 / 台東師範學院教育研究所教授兼所長、原住民教育中心主任
通訊處:(950)台東市中華路一段684號 台東師院教育研究所
電話:(089)351039 傳真:(089)351040

 Life history research is not a new research method, however; I was a novice about this theory and method when I met it in 1995. With the accumulation of personal research experiences, gradually, I realize the meaning of the method in educational research. The present paper is based on my working experiences with three graduate students and their data of life history research, utilizing the self-study method to recall and narrate my memory and experience in order to describe personal cognition and to understand the life history research. The value of life history research in exploring the meaning of life is reclarified under the process of self-discourse.

Keywords: life history, life history method, educational research, self-study, meaning of lives

一群「實習幼兒」的短期就學經驗: 另類教育實習方式和方法省思
To Enter Children's World: An Ethnographical Inquiry into Children's Lives in Kindergartens
陳淑芳 台東師範學院幼兒教育學系
Shu-Fang Chen / Department of Early Childhood Education National Taitung Teachers College



美國馬里蘭大學哲學博士 / 台東師範學院幼兒教育學系助理教授
通訊處:(950)台東市中華路一段684號 台東師院幼兒教育學系

 The purpose of this project is to extend pre-service teachers' understandings of the reality of children's lives in kindergarten. Questions guided the inquiry are as follows: What do children do in the world? What are children's beings in the world? How do children see the world? The fieldwork took place at 34 classrooms in 10 kindergartens in a suburban city in Taiwan. Data were collected from October 1999 to November 1999, in total 510 hours of fieldwork. Thirty-four senior students from an early childhood teacher education program were trained as participant observers. Instead of entering the class as an adult, students were asked to act like "a child". Participant-observations and ethnographical interviews with children were conducted during the course of inquiry. Field notes, reflective journals, and analytical final papers as data sources were analyzed for themes.

 Several significant themes emerged from the data. First, children's perspectives of the world were explored. Second, the social and affective aspects of school lives were discussed. Third, the children were aware of the hardship moments when teachers practiced their control over children's body and mind. Fourth, the action research project for pre-service teachers to play the role of the child had its pedagogical meanings. Finally, some ethnical and methodological concerns of conducting the kind of research with young children and suggestions for further studies were given.

Keywords: pre-service teacher, ethnographical inquiry, early childhood teacher education, field experience


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