


尤煌傑、潘小慧 主編

1鄉關何在?全球在地化浪潮衝擊下歸家的奢靡實踐 蕭百興 / 12 回家真好 曾旭正 / 16殘破家園的心理學方法 余德慧 / 20 「父權」的變與不變:如何由「家庭經驗」發現變革的可行性? 夏林清 / 25 互為主體:同異之間的對話基礎 王明智 / 30 這回「家」的路,還好遠、好遠…… 余安邦
32 回家的人 王應棠 / 37 如何回家? 畢恆達

53 人的意義 尤煌傑•潘小慧 主編 / 55 非此非彼:初探心理學的人論及其意義 林耀盛 / 87 引頸企盼的思維者:關於人的意義的考察 尤煌傑 / 115 邁向整全的人:儒家的人觀 潘小慧 / 137 中國傳統佛學有關人的義蘊 劉貴傑 / 157 天主教的人論 羅光 / 167 論人的美感向度 劉千美 / 189 物的意義:關於碟仙的符號學心理學初探 宋文里

215 從系統理論觀點探究活動課程與九年一貫綜合活動課程:本質、原理與展望 黃譯瑩

86 進行中的專題 / 136 新專題構想 / 156 歡迎來稿 / 188 投稿須知 / 252 訂閱單

Dialogues & Responses
The Meaning of Home
1 Where is the homeland? The luxury practice of going home under the impacts of glocalization Pai-Hsing Hsiao / 12 The way back to hometown Shu-Cheng Tseng / 16 Psychological methodology for broken home Der-Heuy Yee / 20 The change and unchange of patriarchy: How to discover alternative ways from family experiences Ling-Ching Hsia / 25 Intersubjectivity: Discourse between gay men and straights Ming-Jin Wang / 30 It is a far way to go back to my homeland An-Bang Yu
Author's & editor's responses
32 The Homecomer Ying-Tang Wang / 41 How to go home? Herng-Dar Bih

Special Issue
53 The Meaning of Man Editors: Huang-Chieh Yu & Hsiao-Huei Pan / 55 The being that is not the only one: Reconstructing the psycho-cultural meaning of human-being Yaw-Sheng Lin / 87 Upward looking thinker: A reflection on the meaning of man Huang-Chieh Yu / 115 Towards a holistic person: A view on "person" in Confucianism Hsiao-Huei Pan / 137 On the traditional Chinese Buddhist concepts of "man" Kuei-Chieh Liu / 157 Christian anthropology Stanislaus Lokuang / 167 The aesthetic dimension of human existence Johanna Liu / 189 The meaning of an object: Towards a semiotic psychology about Dieh-Xian Wen-Li Soong

Conceptual Article
215 Probing activity curriculum and integrated activity curriculum from system-theory viewpoints: Essence, rationale and prospect Yi-Ying Huang

Messages & Information
86 Special issues in progress / 136 New special issues / 156/188 Call for papers / 252 Order form

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